Ride to Hebron on trails
August 17, 2019
9 AM

We'll start at Glacial Park near McHenry, ride north to Richmond to the North Branch Conservation Area where we'll pick up the Hebron Trail west to Hebron, where we'll turn around and retrace our route. (We may return to Richmond on country roads.) The trails are crushed limestone. (There may be a 50 yard section of the Hebron Trail we walk our bikes along the railroad around a submerged section of trail if it hasn't dried out.)

Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign in and prepare.

Casual speed, no one left behind

Starting Location:
Trailhead on Harts Road in Glacial Park. (Continue on Rt 31 north from McHenry. 6 miles north of downtown McHenry will be Harts Road. There is a sign on the left
just before the corner marking Glacial Park. Make a left on Harts Road. Go
half a mile, cross the trail and pull into the trail parking on the right. GPS address of 6482 Harts Road, Ringwood may work.) It is about an hour from Schaumburg. There is a vault toilet and water at the parking lot.)

Distance: 20-25 miles
Average Speed: 8-12 MPH
Leader: Wayne (heinmiller.il@prodigy.net)
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